Monday, February 11, 2019

How to Use Road Marking Machine?

Road marking machine or road marking equipment is a kind of mechanical device that can paint traffic lines on the surface of highway. It is mean to keep the traffic order and safety. There are three types of road marking machines: thermoplastic paint, cold paint and two-component paint type. They are depending on the coating materials.

I will tell you how to use thermoplastic road marking machine.

First, you need to choose thermoplastic paint. Roadsky supply high quality thermoplastic paint of different colors.

Second, pre-heater machine is needed. The powder of thermoplastic paint is heated in hot melt machine and the heating temperature should be controlled between 150℃ and 220℃.

ThirdWhen the coated primer is dry, you can add reflective glass beads, increased night time markings.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What type of paint is used for road marking?

In highway and street construction, thermoplastic marking is widely used.

Thermoplastic road marking paint, is also known as hot melt marking paint. It is a kind of powder paint and need to be preheated before using. The heating temperature is between 150℃ and 220℃.  And you need professional preheat machine to keep the temperature during long distance road lines marking work. After becoming liquid, the thermoplastic paint can be sprayed on the road surface. The coating then becomes a line after cooling.

 Thermoplastic Paint
The white paint and yellow paint are the most common color during the thermoplastic marking projects.

I will also tell you some difference between thermoplastic paint & cold paint. You can read my article: What’s the Difference between Thermoplastic and Cold Paint Line Striping for Pavements?